Gallup Clifton Strengths Finder – 3E Learning Studio

Gallup Clifton Strengths Finder

Start with Talent, finish with Strength

Gallup Clifton Strengths Finder

A person's talents - thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that come naturally - are the source of his or her's true potential and power. This instrument helps you identify and harness these talents and identify those talents which are your strengths. The more these Strengths are applied in everyday life, the greater will be the potential to consistently act with confidence, direction and hope.
The Clifton strengths at the top of your profile are the most powerful. These themes represent how you are uniquely talented. They are the starting point for living your strongest life possible. Develop these Clifton strengths to be maximize your potential.
To know how the CliftonStrengths instrument works, please watch the video here:

Interpersonal Trust Scale

Gallup Clifton strength is an unique tool that enables you to approach your work related challenges from a position of strength. Often we try to emmulate successful people with the hope that we too would get same or similar results. However many times our results are far from what we expect. Inspite of replicating each step we struggle to understand where we fall short.
This is because we are trying to immitate steps which do not emerge from our native strengths. Gallup’s Clifton Strengths mentions that our native strengths are our natural talents. our DNA. And our greatest chance to succeed – at work or anywhere else – lies in strengthening what we naturally do best and doing more of it. The Gallup Clifton Strength instrument helps you identify your natural strengths and talents