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Calibrate Your Learning Journeys To Your Aspirations

Enablers are assessment tools designed to reveal your strengths, weaknesses, and growth opportunities in people and business skills. They provide valuable insights to map and calibrate your learning journey. Each tool focuses on a specific skill, guiding you to enhance your competence. They pinpoint areas for quick improvement, highlight areas needing more effort, and challenge your beliefs to foster personal transformation. Enablers lead you on a discovery journey, embracing new challenges, and internal transformation.

How Powerful Are Your Decisions ?

This scale measures our comfort with change and uncertainty in an ever-changing world. Those with high tolerance for ambiguity are often more cognitively complex, paying attention to more information, interpreting cues better, and excelling in non-verbal communication.

Measure your sales effectiveness

Selling is something we all do. Be it in business environment, convincing our customers to buy from us, or in our personal / social space, persuading others to accept our choices. We may do it inadvertently, we may do it because we must, or we may do it because we enjoy doing it – whatever be the reason we do get into these kind of transactions almost every day.

Improve your selling skills

Sales is a socializing process, where we engage with our customers to generate business in a way that benefits us both. Our approach to such situations and interactions is guided by how we perceive ourselves, how we perceive the other person, how we intend to do work or get work done, and how we drive the interaction to achieve our sales objectives. It is our comfort and confidence in each of these zones that determine how successful our sales approach will be

Identify your EQ

Exploring and developing emotional intelligence not only makes us happier and more successful, but it helps us motivate ourselves, manage stress more effectively and resolve conflict with others. It gives us the skill to be able to encourage, comfort, discipline, and confront different kinds of people appropriately in different situations


Assertiveness Scale

Assertiveness is based on balance. It requires being forthright about your wants and needs, while still considering the rights needs and wants of others. When you are assertive you are self assured and you know that this will help you to get your point across firmly, fairly and with empathy

Interpersonal Trust Scale

Interpersonal trust is the belief that someone will not knowingly or unknowingly harm our interests and that we can rely on them to meet our expectations even when we can’t supervise their actions. This tool measures trust in four key areas:
Openness, Professional Support or Concern, Competency and Communication.
Professional Support or Concern: Aligned with Integrity, it gauges the consistency between a person's words and actions.
Competency: Associated with Ability, it assesses someone's capability.
Communication: Linked to Integrity, it evaluates the trustworthiness and transparency of their communications.

Tolerance to Ambiguity

This scale measures our comfort with change and uncertainty in an ever-changing world. Those with high tolerance for ambiguity are often more cognitively complex, paying attention to more information, interpreting cues better, and excelling in non-verbal communication.

Locus Of Control

People interpret information about their actions and environmental changes differently.

Internal locus of control: They believe they cause success or failure.

External locus of control: They attribute outcomes to outside forces.

Knowing your internal-external score helps you adapt to various situations.
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